This weekend I was so lucky to have my parents come down! They were such a big help! They came Saturday around 1:00, and by the end of the day we had all of my Christmas decorating finished! Travis had to work (and sleep)- so it was so nice to have their help! We were even able to have a nice dinner before Travis had to go back to work! It was such a wonderful day and I am so blessed to have some of the most amazing people in my life. I truly am grateful.
Christmas Table Setting!
And my beautiful tree :)
Before I head off for the evening-- I wanted to add a little something else--
I feel like lately- more than ever- with the economy the way it has been and things only looking worse, we have been reminded of what we're supposed to be living up to. We're freaking out because people can't get loans to buy more things and have more "stuff". We're so often caught up in keeping up with Jones's. I am just as guilty, if not more, than the next person. We are fed messages of what defines happiness; cars, big houses, money, status. I feel this personally and I'm sure I'm not the only one. Sometimes we feel like we're missing the mark or we don't have as much as we should. This has really been weighing on my heart, personally, and after thinking about it for a while, I have two messages.
1- Instead of counting what we don't have- be thankful for what we do have. There are so many people who are far less fortunate than any of us could ever imagine. There are people who are starving, diseased, oppressed, and people who don't know Christ. We've got it made! In your moment of weakness or self-pity, where we start to question what we"don't" have or what we should have, I encourage you to think about those who have less. You will quickly see how rich you are!
2- Think about what makes you rich. Think about what truly brings joy to your life. If I sit and think about what truly makes me the happiest I can be- it's when I have my family with me. It's days hanging out with my mom, nights when my husband doesn't have to work, phone calls from my best friend, seeing my dog's face light up when i walk in the door, seeing my nephew dart to the door when he sees me coming. That is what truly brings joy to my life. I am rich. I am blessed. I may not have the fanciest house or a Mercedes in the driveway, but I have all that I need.
I'm thankful for another year of holiday celebrations with the most amazing family (in-laws included) that I could ever imagine. I love you guys!