Friday, October 31, 2008

Dizzy and Nauseated.

Myself and two co-workers were on the road traveling to appointments in Raleigh yesterday. I quickly got myself together and rushed out of the house to meet them. I had just painted my nails before leaving the house and stuck the bottle of polish in my bag as I was running out. When I got to my office, I threw my bags down so I could go fill up my coffee before hitting the road. To my astonishment, the bottle of bright red polish flew out of my bag hit the side of my desk and splattered all over the floor- Luckily, it was under my desk where noone could really see it. I quickly ran over to my girlfriend in the office next to me and told her what had happened and that I had to leave for my appoinments. She comforted me and told me not to worry, that she would handle it! Unfortunately, it is hard to use nail polish remover when you're trying to be discrete, as it has a strong, foul odor!!! So- she had little success throughout the day while I was gone.

So- last night after I got back in town, I went to WalMart and picket up several things to clean the floor this morning. I got to work before everyone else, around 7 and started scrubbing-- Nothing worked! Finally I reached for the bottle of nail polish remover and my two girlfriends finally came in around 7:30. Together, the three of us scrubbed the floor with nail polish remover. It seemed to get the majority of it up. It did, however, leave this awful lingering aroma. As our other co-workers began trickling in around 8 or 8:30, many of them questioned the awful smell!! Now, I sit here at my desk, 3 hours later, my office smells like a nail salon and I feel quite dizzy. I'm just so glad it's picked up and today is FRIDAYYY!! Happy Halloween to all :)
Words of Wisdom: Do NOT take nailpolish to the office ;)

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Kitchen Fire, February 2008

This is my last post for the day- I think ;) In February of 2008, just a few months before our wedding and just 4 months after moving in, Travis accidently started a kitchen fire. He was trying to make french fries on the stove and stepped away to let the grease heat up. When he returned to the kitchen, the entire stove and cabinets above the stove were in flames. About this time, I was coming in the door from work- quite a bit earlier than most days. I walked in and heard the alarms going off and saw the smoke. Travis ran to the door, frantically shouting "Our house is on fire"!!! Luckily, I knew right where the fire extinguisher was and he knew how to use it. We were able to get the fire out, get our dog out of the house and run over the his moms house. Luckily, our insurance paid for most of the damages, but we were out of our house for a few weeks and the renovations took several months. Luckily, noone was hurt and we got a brand new kitchen-- But it was definetly a scary moment! So- now we joke Travis that he can "cook a mean cabinet !!"

Our Children

While we do not yet have any human children, we have adopted two labrador retrievers, who are our absolute pride and joy!! We got Layla in November of 2007 and Simba in April of 2008. They have tons of energy and we have recently installed a 6 ft fence for them to play in the back yard ;)

Baby Layla and Daddy!

Layla in March of 2008- she's much bigger now!
Baby Simba!!

Day 1

On our incredible honeymoon in Belize!
College Graduation, December '07

Our Wedding Day, 06.07.08

Okay, so- I'm kinda new at this blogging thing, but several of my friends are doing it, so I jumped on the bandwagon. Several changes have taken place in mine and Travis's life over the past year or so, and I thought blogging about them would be a good way to keep in touch with friends and family who we don't see on a regular basis.

In October of 2007, we bought a house in Travis's hometown of Franklin. I graduated from Old Dominion that December and got a job out here in January. It is entirely different moving from a big city to a small farm, but I've grown attached to this little place!

Travis and I were married on June 7, 2008 and it truly was the most magical day of our lives. We have such an amazing day with our friends and family. We then spent 7 spectacular days in the Western Carribbean. It was amazing.