Monday, November 3, 2008

Election Day Eve

Soo- election day is tomorrow. This is probably the most important election of our life times, considering the many things that are going on around us. Surely you need no reminder, as I'm sure you see it on your T.V. everyday. I don't want to harp too much on it, because I know that everyone is probably entirely sick of the ads and the talk. I will, however, say that it's really disturbing to know that electing Obama/Biden will be electing the most extreme liberal administration in U.S. history. While I am generally moderate to conservative, I am also educated and believe in choosing the BEST candidate to do the job, regardless of a particular affiliation. But there are so many things that make me uneasy about the Obama/Biden ticket. I encourage you to consider:

1. The lies- promising to stick to public financing... what happened?

2. Tax increase on small business- Coming from a family of small businesses, I realize that this could quite possibly be the demise of many small businesses across the country- which employ at least 60% of Americans.

3. He voted for partial birth abortion.

4. He voted no on notifying parents of minors who get out-of-state abortions.

5. Universal healthcare? Yikes.

6. Redistribution of wealth? No, thanks. What happened to a capitalistic democracy- the single-most important thing this great nation was founded on.

7. Executive experience? Where is it? What's the qualification for being the leader of our nation- a few years as a community organizer and 100 and some odd days in the Senate? I'm not comfortable with that.

I know that he's a fresh new face, he's "different", maybe he does have "HOPE" and maybe he would be a "Change". But is it the BEST change? Is hope really a strategy? Are charisma and youthfulness enough? Being a good speaker and capturing the heart of millions with good rhetoric is NOT enough to lead a nation in turmoil. If that's the case, Hitler would have been a phenomenal leader. So many Americans; young people in particular, have been lured in. I encourage you to think LONG and hard about WHY you're really voting for who you're voting for. Go beyond scratching the surface, and I think you may find yourself with more questions than answers.

That's just my 2 cents. I know it's all in God's hands!
Happy Monday :)


Blogger momma said...

Ur so smart! :)

November 3, 2008 at 1:59 PM  

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