Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Day 1

On our incredible honeymoon in Belize!
College Graduation, December '07

Our Wedding Day, 06.07.08

Okay, so- I'm kinda new at this blogging thing, but several of my friends are doing it, so I jumped on the bandwagon. Several changes have taken place in mine and Travis's life over the past year or so, and I thought blogging about them would be a good way to keep in touch with friends and family who we don't see on a regular basis.

In October of 2007, we bought a house in Travis's hometown of Franklin. I graduated from Old Dominion that December and got a job out here in January. It is entirely different moving from a big city to a small farm, but I've grown attached to this little place!

Travis and I were married on June 7, 2008 and it truly was the most magical day of our lives. We have such an amazing day with our friends and family. We then spent 7 spectacular days in the Western Carribbean. It was amazing.


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